Friday, May 11, 2018

New Pilot Program: "Extra Class"

From senior missionary couple reports about a new pilot program in Vanuatu:
"Elder and sister Collette are the couple that I told you about in the mission that have started a pilot program of the church called extra class. They teach math and english to students that either don't go to school or go after school to try to help them keep caught up. As I've told you before, school is not mandatory. Parents don't have to send their kids to school and many don't bother to. In addition to their calling, they are really going the extra mile. They are trying to help Nivans to grow a business of their own. Elder Collette has been teaching a family how to plant and grow tomatos to sell. The first crop they got a little lazy and didn't water the plants. They are doing much better though and actually had a nice little crop to sell. Another venture has been to help a man set up a chicken business, to generate eggs to sell as well as chickens. You might remember me telling you about the portable coops the people were learning to make so that they could keep track of the eggs. Their chickens run free, so they don't always find the eggs. That project hasn't worked out so well, the problem is they get hungary and eat the chickens instead of using them to get their eggs. Anyway, Collettes have a couple of incubators in their apartment, and have been experimenting on hatching the eggs. They bought about 100 eggs, a couple of times, and none of them hatched. They think the place they got them from was not too trustworthy, so they found out about an egg farm in Malekula and sent for them. Finally, they now have 65 furry little chickies. They are the cutest little things! I guess they will now give them to this guy and see how it goes."

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

"It's Happening!": How Russell M Nelson Receives Revelation in the Middle of the Night

Elder Hruby of the England London South mission recounts the following from Wendy Watson Nelson's visit to London during their World Ministering Tour:
Again I think the highlight would be from sister in Nelson. She talked about basically what life had been like ever since her husband was called as a prophet of God. She talked about how sometimes at night he would wake up and say "Honey it's happening" then he would grab his notebook and she would leave and he would start receiving revelation for the church. It's so cool because you never really hear anybody talk about that kind of stuff! It was a cool thing to be apart of!